Use our interactive Data Portal to access CO-MICC multi-model-based future freshwater availability data at global scale.
Note that this is a pilot portal, which means that it is still under development. We have compiled a list of known issues (appearance, bugs, missing features etc.) that you can download by clicking here.
Below, you will find some basic instructions on how to navigate the portal and visualize the data.
General Navigation
The Data Portal is a web-based information system that gives access to CO-MICC freshwater-related climate change hazard indicator data over the global continental area at 0.5° spatial resolution (grid cell size of 55 km by 55 km at the equator). The data can be visualized for single grid cells, or aggregated at basin or country level. Maps are displayed in the data viewer and a data analysis tool (referred to as “raster cell box”) can be used to generate statistical and graphical representations of the data.
Ensemble selection
Under “Model Selection”, two selection menus are provided to specify the combination of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and of Global Hydrological Models (GHMs), defining in this way the multi-model ensemble. All combinations of RCPs and GHMs are possible. By default, all possible General Circulation Models and GHM variants are included.
Indicator selection
By using the drop-down menus under “Indicators”, the hydrological variable, the time scale (annual, seasonal or monthly), the statistic to be calculated and the modus (for most indicators, relative or absolute changes as compared to the reference period) can be selected, defining in this way the hazard indicator to be visualized.
Basin size
By default, the data is shown for each grid cell globally. However, it is possible to define a minimum basin size by the means of a slider to show only the data in the cells pertaining to basins of a certain size.
Data visualization
Once you have specified your indicator of interest, your multi-model ensemble and your visualization preferences by using the options in the left side menu bar, click on the “Compute and show results” button at the bottom of the menu to launch the internal calculation and display the results in the data viewer.
Buttons to zoom in and out are provided in the left top corner of the data viewer. The map legend is displayed in the right bottom corner.
A button provided in the right top corner can be used to switch between different background layers.
A time slider and animation option in the lower part of the data viewer allows to move through time (in 5-year time steps from 2020 to 2085).
The“reliability” slider can be used to filter out grid cells with less than the stated percentage of multi-model ensemble members agreeing on the sign of projected change. It represents the confidence in a particular result.
By default, the data displayed corresponds to the ensemble median. However, it is also possible to display the ensemble 10th percentile or 90th percentile by the means of a drop-down menu.
Spatial aggregation
The data can be displayed at the scale of single grid cells, or aggregated at the scale of countries, predefined basins (largest ~300 basins worldwide) or basins defined by each cell (i.e. corresponding to the upstream area of each cell). The selection is done by the means of a drop-down menu.