5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA)

Date: 25 May – 22 June 2021
Venue: online + Brussels, Belgium

The 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference was held from May 25 to June 22, 2021. This year, the conference adopted a hybrid format, consisting of a series of webinars (May 25 to June 10) and a high-level conference (June 22).

The sixth webinar of the series, “At your service: climate knowledge and information as enablers of climate action” (June 8), focused on exploring and enhancing the use and development of climate services. The panel discussions portraying the perspective from those using climate knowledge and information highlighted the importance of increasing the availability of user-friendly data, of managing the uncertainty of these data and of reinforcing the trust in climate services by co-developing them with the relevant stakeholders. During the break-out rooms phase of the webinar, Dr. Stephan Dietrich (ICWRGC) briefly presented the CO-MICC knowledge and data portal on freshwater-related hazards of climate change, and future views on how to move from a pilot portal to a fully-operational one.